Repère brillant dans l'obscurité
Les repères brillants dans l'obscurité marquent facilement les voies de secours et d'évacuation.
et bénéficiez d'une réduction
Sign glowing in the dark
OLEJAR Sign glowing in the dark easily indicates emergency and escape routes. The photoluminescent floor signs are made in a size of 400 mm x 400 mm, with rounded corners (to help with durability) and the top surface is laminated which prevents print from being damaged. The permanent adhesive adheres well to most surfaces.
OLEJAR Signs glowing in the dark are charged with natural or artificial light, during the day they are a vivid green and white image, in the dark they become black with glowing white infills.
Photoluminescent floor signs are more cost-effective than using powered signs and can be placed on almost any flat surface.
There is a standard range of floor signs glowing in the dark available:
- Directional arrow – front exit
- Person exiting left – left exit
- Person exiting right – right exit